Collect, Manage and Process Everything.

Time and attendance systems are used by companies of all sizes to record working hours of employees primarily in order to pay their wages. Some companies have a requirement to record the number of hours spent on specific tasks in order to charge jobs accurately.
We make it easier than ever to collect, manage and process your employee time management. We help to track your attendance In-Punch, Out-Punch, Late Comings, Early Goings, leave Management, Overtime, Holidays, Shift Rostering and more. This allows HR to focus more on core HR related issues than to just handle and resolve queries related to employee time office. We also offer the flexibility to correct an attendance marked incorrectly. Adding relevant attendance notes against each of your entry is an added feature.

CavinHR – Time Tracker
It is a very advanced time systems solution built on the latest technologies. It can provide various analytical reports, information to assist in managing and regularizing employee time office manager for any organization. Attendance Reports in different formats makes this an intriguing feature.
Time Tracker delivers various key benefits to the organization, employee development, and productivity.
- Cut down on administrative time
- Eliminate human error in employee time office records
- Significantly Increase Employee & Manager Satisfaction
- Monitor & analyze absence to reduce the impact on productivity
- Improve Organizational efficiency and growth with employee performance
- Record In/OUT time via intranet or Internet using a web browser
- Manage Environments with multiple shifts and Flexi Time.
- Keep a track on Irregular workforce and thereby monitor the employee activity
- Proper Overtime recording to cut down on unnecessary payouts.
- Record Late Coming / early going
- Manage and account the time (the actual man hours) for which the employee has actually worked

Attendance System Devices
CavinHR Time Tracker helps track employee time and attendance in most industrial environments and can seamlessly integrate with many hardware devices. Whether you are looking for a fingerprint biometric device, swipe cards or proximity devices, we have various solutions that can be used to manage employee time management and provide accurate real-time attendance data.
Power up your HR process with CavinHR and make use of it.